eBook made simple
Digital Contents Editor for Publishing, Training and Education
With ePubEditor you can make, even collaboratively, multimedia and interactive ebooks, playable on tablets and computers, in any operating environment, including the plain web.
Simple and intuitive interface
Making contents is very simple. Even complex functions such as annotations, hyperlinks, embedding audio and video, interactive quizzes, are made through an intuitive and immediate work-flow.
Quizzes and interactive items
The features of ePub Editor allows you to enrich the content with a wide range of interactive exercises (multiple choice, true / false, fill in the gaps, drag & drop, etc.), which are useful for the making of a learning object, not just a simple ebook.
Managing audio/video
With ePubEditor you can make your contents speak and move. Adding audio (mp3) or video (mp4) such as embedding Youtube videos is as easy and simple as a click.

Standards Compliance
The ebooks are exportable in both EPUB2 and EPUB3 formats (with multimedia and interactivity) as well as plain HTML5 objects or SCORM, playable on any computer or mobile device.
Start making your first ebook: it's free!
Sign up today for free and get access to all the features of the free version of ePubEditor.